


Hyper energy eight

Not only the one who is treated but also who is treating will have great
health effect

Ultimate relaxation
★Carving 3D treatment

New technology for beauty and health.

Hyper energy eight

The weakened bioelectric current is regulated by the hand of a therapist
who has a minute current by the machine.

Low-frequency stimulation gives the variety of beauty and healthy effects.

Hybrid hyper energy eight which is condensed necessary elements for body

You can experience the best time for body maintenance as well as getting in
shape, face lift-up, and muscular strengthening.

Hyper energy eight
An autonomic nerve system consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic
nerves, and it controls the function of the body in response to stimulus
and information regardless of own will.

By getting the treatment, the functions of these nervous system are
improved, the autonomic nerves are well balanced and will lead to vitality

By basal metabolism’s failing, its said to become a constitution which is
easy to gain weight. After treatment, the temperature of the skin surface
rises and the blood flow rate also increases significantly, so body
temperature itself rises
As a result, you can expect effects such as firm skin and shinny hair by
increasing your basal metabolism.

Human mental state and emotion that can be discriminated by brain waves
Hyper Energy Eight or (Carving 3D Treatment) not only enhances the
relaxation effect by treatment with bare hands but also makes α waves that
can demonstrate their full potential to dominate by adding electrical

By using bare hands to transmit low frequency to the muscles, we can
correct muscle strength and body line.

The autonomic nervous system is set and the blood flow improves so that the
basal metabolism rises and it approaches to build up a body not to regain

The greatest feature is to lead to improve health and beauty of therapists
as well because weak current flows through them.

The therapist and the customer are healthy and beautiful …
Hyper Energy Eight make you the ultimate healing

The weakened bioelectric current is regulated by the hand of a therapist
who has a minute current by the machine.

Low-frequency stimulation gives the variety of beauty and healthy effects.

Hybrid energy eight which condenses what is necessary for body maintenance.

You can experience the best time for body maintenance as well as getting in
shape, face lift-up, and muscular strengthening

Please contact us for details



#ビックサイト #ESM #ビューティワールド
#yunahattori #服部由奈 #HE8 #カービング3Dトリートメント #エナジー #ハイパーエナジーエイト®︎ #ハイパーエナジー
#ハイパーエナジーエイト #カービング
#生体電流 #神経 #インナーマッスル #筋肉
#微弱電流 #革命 #能量
#1秒ごとに美しく #セーフティー機能 #心 #技 #美
#リンパドレナージュ #美と健康促進
#エナジートリートメント #人間には電気が流れています #メタボリックシンドローム



